All these cuttings, from Sennet the student paper, to the punishing grind of the weekly Melody Maker and the grown-up Observer. My review of the Clash's Sandinista is one of the rare piece of my MM years which is ever mentioned; that and David Bowie's Scary Monsters… Nice to see encounters with my old mate Paul McCartney - first name. terms, I knew him before he was knighted. Film, LP, videos, all come under the critical eye.

I was asked recently about my career as a music journalist "Can you play a musical instrument?" "No, but I am able to criticise people who can!" I have been very lucky, from the Department Of Environment to NME, Melody Maker, Vox, Evening Standard, Guardian, Observer, BBC radio… making a living out of something I enjoyed doing, and still enjoy. On the rare occasion I am asked to write something (and be paid for it) I still get a tremendous thrill.

Sorry that The Listener is not going, but I am hoping to get something published in The Oldie… Watch this space…